Latin - A Level
What does the course aim to do?
To develop your competence in the Latin language in order to enable you to:
- read original Latin prose and verse with comprehension
- achieve a detailed understanding of the thought and literary qualities of certain works by Roman authors in their historical context
- develop accurate analysis, precise expression and fluent conveyance of ideas
- have a sound foundation for further study
What will I be studying?
You will study two verse literature texts and two prose literature texts in detail.
You will read a variety of extracts from prose and verse authors in preparation for the unseen translation paper. You will also learn how to scan poetry.
You will continue to study Latin grammar and syntax as you develop your skills of prose composition and grammar analysis.
How will I be assessed?
Paper 1– Unseen Translation (33%)
Translation of unseen verse and prose passages, and scansion of a few lines of verse.
100 marks
1 hour 45 minutes
Paper 2 – Prose Composition or Comprehension (17%)
Translate a passage of English into Latin
OR answer comprehension and grammar questions on a passage of unseen Latin.
50 marks
1 hour 15 minute
Paper 3 –Prose Literature (25%)
Questions and essays on two prose texts.
75 marks
2 hours
Paper 4–Verse Literature (25%)
Questions and essays on two verse texts.
75 marks
2 hours
Am I suited to this subject?
You should have shown competence in the language and be aware that considerable persistence and self-discipline are required to reach high standards. A desire to read carefully and consciously to extend your vocabulary, both in Latin and English, is essential, as is an interest in the appreciation of literature.
Where will it lead in the future?
Latin is a very valuable tool for developing ability in English, improving your capacity to analyse minutely and giving constant practice in problem solving. It is therefore a very useful training for those who intend to go on, for example, to study other complex languages, Law or even computer work. As an A Level it is highly respected for all arts and social science degrees and would enhance an application for most careers.
How will I study?
Lessons usually require the active participation of all class members in the study of texts based on careful preparation. You will be regularly tested on vocabulary and grammar learning and will practise unseen comprehension and translation weekly. As the course progresses there will also be regular essays.
What will I need to do myself?
Work is set after each lesson and often consists of learning or preparation. The weekly unseen translation is done in your private study time.
Why should I come to Canon Slade to study Latin?
Classes are small, allowing for lots of individual attention, and are led by a specialist teacher.
Additional information for prospective students
The study of Latin at A level requires a thorough knowledge of Latin grammar and syntax as well as detailed analysis of unadapted Latin literature, therefore a minimum of grade B at GCSE is strongly advised.