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Canon Slade School

Canon Slade School As a Church of England School, we seek to provide
an excellent education within a Christian environment
to fulfil individual potential and to prepare pupils
for life and service in a rapidly changing world. Ora et Labora
Pray and Work

Dance - A Level

What does the course aim to do?

It is split into 3 areas:

  • Performance
  • Choreography
  • Critical Engagement

What will I be studying?

Component 1 – Performance and Choreography


Section A: Solo performance linked to a specified practitioner within an area of study.
Section B: Performance in a quartet.
Section C: Group Choreography

Component 2 – Critical Engagement

 Knowledge, understanding and critical appreciation of two set works and their corresponding area of study.

Set work 1 – ‘Rooster’ choreographed by Christopher Bruce – Rambert Dance Company 1966-2002.
Set work 2 – Singing in the Rain choreographed by Gene Kelly – American Jazz 1940-1975

How will I be assessed?

Component 1 – Performance and Choreography

• Practical exam assessed by a visiting AQA examiner
• 80 marks
• 50% of A-Level

Component 2 – Critical Engagement

• Written exam: 2 hours 30 minutes
• 100 marks
• 50% of A-Level

The exam is in two sections. Section A is short answer questions (25 marks) and one essay question (25 marks) on ‘Rooster’ and Rambert. Section B is two essay questions (25 marks each) on ‘Singing in the Rain’ and American Jazz.

Am I suited to this subject?

You should be physically able and have a good level of dance experience to undertake strenuous dance workshops. You should be confident with extended essay writing. Above all you should have a love of dance.

Where will it lead in the future?

This is of obvious use to anyone contemplating a career in Dance or Performing Arts or wishing to study such subjects at Higher Education. It combines very well with A level Performing Arts, Theatre Studies and Music. Many of our A-Level Dance students have gone on to not only careers in dance but a wide range of subjects such as architecture, further maths, media, primary teaching and geography.

How will I study?

A combination of practical workshops and theoretical study of Dance genres and set works. You must be willing to rehearse in some lunch times and have evening rehearsals.
You will also need to write essays and undertake research projects.

What will I need to do myself?

Written analysis of professional dance works and in-depth background to choreographers.

Note: you must be willing to devote 1-2 hours extra per week at lunch times or evenings until 5 p.m. to work on choreography.

Why should I come to Canon Slade to study Dance?

Here at Canon Slade School A-Level Dance is taught by highly qualified dance specialist staff. We are lucky enough to have a purpose built dance studio and a good range of resources. Students taking A-level dance will be given many performance opportunities throughout the year including performing in the school’s annual Dance Shows. There will also be opportunities throughout the course to work with visiting dance professionals and attend several theatre visits.